An analytical vision at women`s issues (Emirati Zahratalkhaleej, Saudi Arabia Sayidaty and Egyptian Nesf El Donya)

Document Type : Original Article


باحثة دكتوراه- قسم الإعلام- كلية الآداب- جامعة المنصورة


the study of women's issues is one of the most important kinds of particular journalism dealing with essential aspects of women. This study provided an analytical view of women's issues based on analyzing the content of magazines (Emirati Zahratalkhaleej, Saudi Arabia Sayidaty and Egyptian Nesf El Donya).

The study found that the features of the positive image presented on women in the three study magazines were (90.2%) first, while the features of the negative image presented on women in the three study magazines were (9.7%) second. I found that the logical persuasion methods on which the study magazines relied first level "experiments and real models" (37.9%), as well as the emotional persuasion methods on which the study magazines relied first level "intimidation and excitement attitudes" (61%).

The researcher recommended the need to achieve a balance in dealing with women's topics with the art, film and advertising pages, which took a great space on the pages of women's magazines in general and the pages of study magazines in particular.


Main Subjects